What is hidden in the alchemist’s drawers? Which plants can heal, and which are poisonous? What are colour pigments made of? The Alchemists Laboratory invites children and adults alike on a magical journey into the world of the alchemist.
Drawing inspiration from alchemy, Danish artist Cecilia Westerberg (b. 1967) has created an exhibition where science, art and magic are mixed with fictional stories and hard facts. The exhibition has four rooms exploring the alchemist’s quest to transform lowly matter into the most precious metal: gold.
The Alchemist’s Laboratory is a magical sensory universe based on the laboratories and secret collections of the alchemist inviting you on a journey of exploration, investigation and creation.

The exhibition is supported by the Nordea Foundation, the Danish Arts Council and Danish Art Workshops (DAW) and is a collaboration between Vendsyssel Art Museum, Skovgaard Museum Vejle Art Museum and Willumsen’s Museum.